The article touches on the model of emotions with anger often being a secondary emotion hiding other more complex emotions hiding beneath the surface. The article provides some tips to consider when working with anger therapeutically and what we need to understand about its function and the role it plays in our life.

  •  7/02/2024 12:00 AM

Discover the Art of Assertiveness! Dive into my latest blog post where I unravel the secrets of effective communication and balancing respect for others with your own needs. Learn practical tips to master assertiveness in daily life, from saying 'no' with confidence to negotiating win-win solutions. Transform your interactions – click to read the full article and start your journey to assertive empowerment today!

  •  30/01/2024 11:19 AM

Empathy vs. Self: A Nurse's Dilemma. Discover in our latest blog how a caring nurse learns to balance her empathetic nature with staying true to herself. Click for her inspiring journey and practical tips on self-authenticity

  •  23/01/2024 11:15 AM

Poor communication is a major problem encountered by many couples. Often times couples feel misunderstood and unseen in the relationship. Effective and positive communication is an important part of creating a connection and the skill of active listening is one of its crucial building blocks.

  •  16/01/2024 10:47 AM

Togetherness is an agreement to be there for each other, to put the relationship before anything else, any other demands that life puts our way. Partners entering the relationship have to buy into the agreement and own it in order to fully appreciate the togetherness of the pact.

  •  9/01/2024 10:12 AM

The couples I often see in my practise are deeply divided by years of conflict, disagreement, going though tough times without much support, reinforced in the position of hurt caused to them by their partner. The hurt of often deeply entrenched through earlier life experiences of growing up in adverse life circumstances often feeling invisible, unseen and unloved...

  •  2/01/2024 10:09 AM